We all have a dark side ... but being conscious about it ... the dynamic of all will change ... … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

I understand … i have a dark side.

Somehow … i also accept it.

Not for 100%, but i accept it.

I succeed doing this … only after i saw those moments when i lost the control on myself.

When the animal … came to surface.

Doing … lots of stupid things.

… in continuous form.

So … maybe i must train this wild animal … hided deep inside myself … to be more obedient.

Be conscious … of all.

And … not allow myself … the dominance of the dark side.

Of course … theory is simple.

In real case scenario … i just lose control all the time.

Emotions overwhelm me.

I lose my minds.

And there is always something which i can’t control.





Actually … the whole spectrum of negativity.

I am not dominated … by all those negative emotions … but randomly … it just happens.

… without realising.

Yes … i simple lose control … and all comes to surface.

… becoming obvious.

For me.

For everyone.

Today … i am not unhappy anymore cause it happens.

I accept all.

I know is part of life.

And … i can only accept … smile … and try to control … myself.

… even if it looks impossible.

I allow all to happen.

Then … i meditate.

I visualise all … 1,2,3 … 27 times.

I ask … “Why things happen this way?!

What is this dark side?!

What is the meaning of jealousy, fear … envy …?!”

Most certainly … it all reveals things which i need to solve … deep inside myself.

But … i refuse it.

So … maybe the real trick is to become friend with that wild animal which is inside myself.

Speak together.

Ask for explanations.

Understand … the illogical … beyond all is going on.

Then decide together it is the time … for an improvement.

Be … a better human.

… at least on the stage of life.

And … the craziness itself should be expressed… differently.

Maybe … in writing.

… cause that is what i usually do to express what is deep inside myself.

Download the book ”The dark side … of the human being

philosophical & spiritual essays” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

Amazon — https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DJH74F6C/ref=sr_1_2?crid=7GNBE779WMB8&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.tMSwnofzb6kGE0HemgYvsGu4RcAGQSKB7nb2nMsHEqU.isu4_tPIgqhQRmoSF2x2GBfM7MTSiT6UjG1e7Hdb7WY&dib_tag=se&keywords=adrian+gabriel+dumitru+the+dark+side&qid=1728060172&s=books&sprefix=adrian+gabriel+dumitru+the+dark+si%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C171&sr=1-2

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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com

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