When you drive crazy ... simple run away ... and totally disconnect from all .... by romanian author Adrian Dumi

I’ve discovered many times that the best i can do … while driving crazy … is to simple leave that scene of life.

Disconnect from everything and everyone … and stay alone.

So … i was jumping into my car, listening music … load … and cut any connection and thought with what made me lose my minds.

Unfortunately … it happened many, many times.

And … that proves … i am not really having any control on myself.

Or … maybe even worst.

I am totally disconnected from my inner soul.

The lessons …. were repeated.

On … and on … and on.

I was just failing … all those tests.

Into one point … i was just losing the control on myself.

I was literally … becoming crazy.

Acting crazy.

Speaking like a crazy person.

So …

Today … i know how i function.

I really know myself well.

I’ve analysed for years … my behaviour … and …

The moment …. when i drive crazy … i try to convince myself … to just leave … cause i know that nothing good will follow.

I have clear statistics about myself.

I know … all …

But …

Of course… i am not always succeeding that.

So … i drive crazy … and then the show starts.

Yes … the show of a crazy idiot … acting as the most weird human being … on the stage of life.

I laugh of myself.

I laugh remembering … how i’ve acted so funny, stupid, wrong, weird … so, so many times.

But … nothing changes.

Just nothing.

There are moments … when i simply lose my minds … and not having the power to leave that scene of life … all suddenly explodes.

And ….

Well … life becomes something similar with … a hell.

Unfortunately … all happens like that cause i don’t really know anything at all about … disconnection.

About its importance.

About … its necessity.

I guess … i am too stupid.

Not really knowing how to act in weird circumstances

and … always failing the tests …

Download the book ”DISCONNECTING

… seen as un amazing trick for a beautiful life

philosophical & spiritual essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.

Amazon — https://www.amazon.com/DISCONNECTING-seen-amazing-trick-beautiful-ebook/dp/B0DFQJXZ3D/ref=sr_1_56?crid=O5DE3OIIBU3Y&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.emLw8DTnC4rP5P-HI0y4LYxDBZTAtRsy5p1BMmAZifKJ-4TJ2A5fZ7CbowvnJwqRYlVeuSUF9tsFCifBvmpz0-KOGcBVn1hgrguACzoGiSHyGVvnLMyVYAjWaHmlIYYpd3lW6US2QlkDpue65kwNUGNTwtYkqi8My2T-Nplkx-s.fYKCaEcFDuj-92N0YhwQl9P4uqtdAPvszxEC-U81lOc&dib_tag=se&keywords=adrian+gabriel+dumitru&qid=1726480317&s=books&sprefix=adrian+gabriel+dumitru%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C195&sr=1-56

Google Books — https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Adrian_Gabriel_Dumitru_DISCONNECTING_seen_as_un_am?id=RaQbEQAAQBAJ&hl=en

Apple Books — https://books.apple.com/ro/book/disconnecting/id6657977255

or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com

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